The Mess At The Rome Opera

The house has been teetering on the edge of bankruptcy for years and had been threatened with closure more than once. Riccardo Muti, who had raised musical standards and electrified audiences at the company, walked away in September. Then management abruptly let go the entire orchestra and chorus. What’s behind all these problems?

Richard Florida Looks At The Rural Creative Class

“The upshot: Just as with the nation as a whole, rural geography is becoming more concentrated and spiky. The rural economy has the same fundamental drivers as the metro economy: access to knowledge institutions and the clustering and concentration of talent and skill. No longer can rural areas expect to prosper based just on natural amenities like ski mountains and national parks.”

What Is – And Isn’t – Clickbait?

“The Oxford English Dictionary defines clickbait thusly: ‘(On the Internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.’ More colloquially, Josh Benton of Harvard’s Neiman Journalism Lab defined clickbait on Twitter (on the Internet) as ‘noun: things I don’t like on the Internet’.”