How Josephine Baker Spied On The Nazis

“Baker flitted back and forth between Casablanca and Lisbon, Seville, Madrid, and Barcelona. Between performances, she accepted invitations to parties and embassy functions, where she hobnobbed with the elite and diplomats. And as she bantered over champagne and twirled around the dance floor, she continued her intelligence gathering.”

Australian Actor Rebel Wilson Says She, Too, Has Been Sexually Harassed

Wow. “After she managed to escape from the situation she worked with her lawyer and her agent to complain about the allegations to studio bosses and demanded producers include a clause in her contract protecting her from the star’s aggression. But Wilson added that after taking steps to stop the alleged harassment she was threatened by her colleague’s representatives and told she had to ‘be nice’ and ‘support’ the actor.”

What Should You Watch On Netflix?

“Beth’s performance at work starts to suffer. She hasn’t been on a date in months. … It’s true that meth and cancer aren’t ‘feel good,’ but maybe all of her problems would change if she’d just watch Breaking Bad. She would like prestige television and hoppy beer and tweet things like ‘Everyone should have health care!’; she’d actually march in a Women’s March instead of just liking people’s photos from it; and at work meetings she’d sit at the head of the table instead of hiding behind the garbage bin. She’d be a real woman!”

Shepard Fairey, The Street Artist Who Made The Obama ‘Hope’ Poster, On Whether Street Art Even Exists Anymore

He says yes (after acknowledging that some might feel he’s sold out, what with a clothing line and other commercial commissions): “People get numb to anything that is predictable. Street art has some cliché aesthetics, like stencils or drips or tags or any number of things you associate with the medium. But street art is evolving all the time. So I think the power for street art to impact people is always gonna be there. It’s just a matter of finding a way of staying a step ahead of what’s become cliché.”

Radhika Jones Set To Succeed Grayson Carter As Editor Of Vanity Fair

Jones is currently the editorial director of the books department at The New York Times and has worked at Time and The Paris Review as well. “Her deep familiarity with celebrity, journalism, art and publishing were probably big draws for Condé Nast, whose editors are often expected to mingle among influential people in the disparate spheres covered by their publications.”

Instagram’s Visual Role In Disseminating Misinformation (During The 2016 Election, And Still Ongoing)

The platform is larger than Twitter and Snapchat combined, and propagandists find the visual appeal of memes wonderfully (and sickeningly) useful. “‘For sowing division and finding wedge issues, Instagram is an ideal visual meme broadcast factory,’ said Jonathan Albright, research director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, who examined the data.”

The Revolution Against Harassment Is Far Overdue, And Messy

Pamela Adlon created Better Things with the help of Louis CK, and now she’s being asked when she knew about his harassment of many other women. “But this is where we are: A talented woman has created a terrific show about women that women (and men) love. And now there’s a giant cloud over it, as a result of a man’s giant failings. It’s not the worst thing about this awful story; it’s not even close. But I hate that the women we need in Hollywood – in the world – can become collateral damage, even if I love the reckoning that has led to it.”