Why Cellists Shouldn’t Fly Delta (Maybe A Boycott?)

“I have to admit part of me sees the irony for being punished by an airline for innocently buying two full fare tickets for each trip, but to have them administer corporate justice 11 years after the fact is just plain mean; not only did Delta cancel my account but it summarily gobbled up all of the associated miles and placed a permanent ban on my ever rejoining their miles program.”

Could An Angels In America Make It To The Stage Today?

“Now that a generation has passed, it seems fair to ask whether the American theater remains equally capable in 2012 of what it brought forth back then. … Could five years, more than $2 million in today’s currency and so much of an audience’s time be set aside to write, develop and perform an unprecedented kind of work by an unproven playwright?”

Have Agriculture And Civilization Made Humans Less Intelligent?

“A hunter-gatherer who did not correctly conceive a solution to providing food or shelter probably died, along with his/her progeny, whereas a modern Wall Street executive that made a similar conceptual mistake would receive a substantial bonus and be a more attractive mate. Clearly, extreme [natural] selection is a thing of the past.”

Looking At London’s Experiments With Affordable Theatre Tickets

“With the National Theatre’s acclaimed Travelex Ticket season [offering £10 seats] celebrating its 10th birthday this year, it seems there’s something in the air. But as audiences are dazzled (or not, as the case may be) by these headline-grabbing experiments in pricing strategy, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the implications of such schemes for both audiences and theatres, as well as the challenges that accompany them.”