How Mint Became The Default Flavor Of Dental Hygiene

“To sweeten the breath, medieval Europeans could crush herbs into their tooth scrub or vinegar mouthwash; mint was sometimes used for this purpose, but so were rosemary, parsley, and sage. Other cultures chewed aromatic seeds – fennel seeds, cardamom, star anise – to abrade and sweeten the mouth.” How did mint gain primacy? A confluence of mass production, the US climate, and a biochemical trick.

Hey Architects, Take A Look At Zines (And Get Inspired)

“Far from just being nostalgic, zines offer a chance to produce content that doesn’t fit within the mainstream of architectural culture – to make something more spirited, more radical, more exploratory, and more personal. It’s open to anyone and it can be used to do absolutely anything. It’s an opportunity to work outside of an academic or professional framework at any level, and it’s as easily done by a student as by an established architect.”

Alex Ross: How Things Change – Being Gay And The Culture

“One fashionable explanation for the turnabout credits popular culture: out-and-proud celebrities and gay-friendly sitcoms have made straight Americans more comfortable with their other-minded neighbors. Not that long ago, though, Hollywood was regularly portraying gays and lesbians as flouncing sissies, pathetic suicide cases, and serial killers.”