“It’s About A Community”: Bill T. Jones On His Dance Company And “Story/Time”

“There are others who are actually my arms and legs. When I’m fantasizing about a new work, it’s not about me doing it, it’s about individuals in a community. […] The company is the world as we want to live in it, not as the world may be. But a social vision exists in a larger context. And we have to be aware of that.”

“I Had To Own My Own Inauthenticity”: Jon Stewart On His New Film Set In Iran

“With this film I have the caveat of knowing that it will be simplistic and reductive to people who live in Iran. … I can’t create an Iranian masterpiece out of this situation. I don’t have that ear. … So I wanted to create kind of palettes that were – not innocuous, but bland enough that the audience could easily dismiss them … as the eccentricities of one oppressive regime.”

Stop Asking Judi Dench When She’ll Retire

“It drives me absolutely spare when people say: ‘Are you going to retire?’ or: ‘Don’t you think it’s time you put your feet up?’ or tell me my age. I loathe it. I don’t want to be told that I’m too old to do something; I want to try it first and then, if I don’t succeed, then I can be told I can’t do it.”