The Wife/Secretary/Protector Of Legacy

“Before her death last week at the age of 86, Valerie Eliot had spent the previous half-century forbidding impertinent journalists and scholars from accessing her late husband TS Eliot’s private papers. Even his published work was out of bounds, leaving biographers like Peter Ackroyd obliged to get creative with paraphrase rather than being able to quote directly. It was, said Mrs Eliot firmly, what Tom would have wanted.”

The Nate Silver Of Performing Arts Marketing

“Over the past six years, TRG – a Colorado-based consulting firm – has become as big a talking point for Canadian performing-arts administrators as pollster Nate Silver’s similarly data-driven methods were to political junkies in the recent U.S. election. … At least 15 major theatres, opera and ballet companies … have bought into the group’s dispassionate data analysis” – with impressive results.

Scotland’s Per-Project Funding System Is Stifling Artists, Says Report

“The current project-based funding system means that many of Scotland’s independent performing artists are prevented from fulfilling their creative potential either because they are distracted by the amount of administration and company management required of them between projects, or because they are unable to secure the long-term services of an experienced producer – or both.”