Lego Loses Its Trademark – Does It Matter?

An EU court has upheld a decision to strip the interlocking plastic bricks of trademark status – because how can you trademark a simple brick? “But, does it matter to you and me? Perhaps not. No one will force you to buy [competitor] MEGA Brands’ brick-locking equivalent and Lego is such a big name that it seems unlikely sales will be particularly affected… Children – like adults – often develop loyalties to toy brands.”

Why We Need More Political Diversity In Theatre

“There is an obvious paucity of right-leaning voices in theater. There are many reasons for this, but it is to the detriment, I believe, of the community as a whole. My own political posture leans distinctly to the left. But we will not, in the long run, benefit from casting out all those whose opinions offend us. And there are sure to be many tests of tolerance ahead.”

UK Study: People Consuming More Music

“The study found 44 per cent of people polled claimed to have consumed more music this year than in 2007. As well as the swelling market for live music, this surge may have something to do with commercial harnessing of music through means other than record sales, since 69 per cent of “the most passionate music fans” agreed that brand affiliations provide a valuable new revenue stream for artists.”