Do We Over-Romanticize Writers Who Die Too Young?

Dana Stevens: “If by ‘we’ you mean ‘I,’ then yes, probably. … When we mourn the early death of a writer who was just beginning to find his or her true voice, we’re also mourning, by implication, every work that author never finished, or never started.”
Benjamin Moser: “A dead young writer is, above all, a dead human being. … And the fine line that separates romance from treacle is the same that divides mourning from kitsch; to cross it is to glorify a heart-rending death instead of remembering the achievements of a life.”

Robert Craft, 92, Adviser And Steward To Stravinsky

“Called an elegant Boswell by his supporters and a calculating Svengali by his detractors, … Mr. Craft spent nearly a quarter-century as Stravinsky’s amanuensis, rehearsal conductor, musical adviser, globe-trotting traveling companion and surrogate son. After Stravinsky’s death in 1971, at 88, he was a writer, lecturer, conductor, public intellectual and keeper of the Stravinskian flame.”

America’s Cult Of The ‘Amateur’

The phrase amateur hour “now registers as an insult. But it has an older meaning, one that betrays America’s sincere enthusiasm for the utterly unprofessional. … The idea of effortless authenticity is so attractive that members of the American establishment have vied for more than a century to buy, cheat or counterfeit their way to amateur status.”

The New York Public Library’s Below-Ground Shelving Is Going High-Tech

“To fit all the books in the allotted space, the library will have to abandon its version of the Dewey Decimal System, in which shelving is organized by subject, in favor of a new “high-density” protocol in which all that matters is size. Books will be stacked by height and tracked by bar code rather than by a subject-based system, making for some odd bookfellows.”

OK, So How Do Directors Who Practice Color-Conscious Casting Deal With The Audience?

“Since I first wrote about color-conscious casting, I’ve learned—by directing my own productions as well as casting plays that I did not direct—that color-conscious casting doesn’t guarantee a color-conscious production. Diverse casting is a cause; a more challenging and/or inclusive conversation is not inherently an effect.”

What’s The Role Of Entertainment In The Wake Of The Attacks In Paris?

“Once again, those of us immersed in entertainment–as producers, as distributors, as chroniclers, or even just as devotees–are left to ask where it fits in. Cultures have been grappling for centuries with how much space to allow levity in the place of a tragedy. But the relevance, and even the defensibility, of entertainment has lately been thrust forward as never before.”

The Habits Of Highly Creative People

“Psychologically speaking, creative personality types are difficult to pin down, largely because they’re complex, paradoxical and tend to avoid habit or routine. And it’s not just a stereotype of the ‘tortured artist’ — artists really may be more complicated people. Research has suggested that creativity involves the coming together of a multitude of traits, behaviors and social influences in a single person.”