DC’s New Bible Museum Has Lessons For Other Museums

Philip Kennicott: “Every resource of museum design and careful argumentation has been mustered to sweep up these unrelated ideas in one, big, overwhelming package. This has implications for people in the museum business. The Bible Museum has come to town, in all its technical splendor, bearing with it something that most historians and museum professionals may have thought was long discredited: the “master narrative” idea of history, that there is one sweeping human story that needs to be told, a story that is still unfolding and carrying us along with it.”

A Rant Against Amazon And Technology

“Amazon has gradually eliminated the human factor. In the early years it employed people to write reviews of the books it sold; now there isn’t even mediation in the process of making up and placing a self-published book on the network. It has robotized the chain of distribution and wants us, the consumers, to perform similarly.”

An Angry Marina Abramović Explains What Happened To The $2 Million Raised For Her Institute

Responding to a New York Post article – headlined in the print paper “The Art of the Steal” – questioning the fate of the funds intended for her now-abandoned performance-art institute in Hudson, New York, Abramović – in a statement titled “The Art of the Truth” – wrote that “the [tabloid’s] allegations are so false, libelous and in every way untrue that I must address them.”

Last Missing Piece Of Magritte Painting Found After 85 Years

“The enigma of The Enchanted Pose, which depicts side-by-side female nudes, began decades ago. It is listed in the comprehensive catalog of Magritte’s works, but its location had been marked as ‘unknown’ since 1932. Magritte, who died in 1967, never said anything about its fate.” Turns out he cut it into four, painted over the pieces, and sold them as separate paintings. They were all hiding in plain sight, as it were, and the last of the missing quarters has now been identified.

Matthew Halls Says No One At Oregon Bach Festival Notified Him Of Any Complaints About Behavior

Following the report that, at the time Halls was fired from the OBF artistic directorship, he was being investigated over claims that he discriminated against women, he wrote in a statement, “I am reading about these complaints for the first time now. At no stage did anybody from the University of Oregon or the Oregon Bach Festival leadership present me – or my attorney – with these documents.”

Sydney’s Largest Art Museum Announces New Wing, Which Everyone Will Now Argue About

“[The Art Gallery of New South Wales’s] new wing, Sydney Modern, will step across the Cahill expressway and spill north down the Domain towards the harbour, under an ambitious plan to increase visits to the city’s pre-eminent gallery. But the latest plan, though more modest than the first version released in 2015, is still likely to spark a furious debate about the loss of open space in Sydney.”