The Ever-Rising Art Market

“Values for contemporary art–defined as any art created after 1945–are always in flux because art history hasn’t had time to weigh its lasting merits. But the number of high prices attained during New York’s fall sales proves newer art still attracts a broad group of competitive global collectors.”

Can Carlos Acosta Revive Cuba’s Stillborn National Dance Academy?

“It has the ring of a modern Cuban fairy tale: A handsome ballet star returns to his native land and discovers an abandoned dance school, which he vows to restore to life. Yet Carlos Acosta’s dream of founding a dance center in one of Cuba’s most storied but neglected revolution-era buildings has touched off a bitter squabble.”

Danny Boyle On UK Culture Secretary: ‘Outrageous’

“Speaking after an event that brought together the heads of 23 of England’s leading regional theatres, [the acclaimed director] told The Guardian that the lack of attention to the arts shown by the culture secretary, Maria Miller, was ‘outrageous … This is cultural life of our country. She is the minister of fucking culture. I mean, come on’.”