With Investment And Buildings, Is Manchester About To (Re-)Become A Huge Arts Hub?

“People might not speak up so much in London, maybe because they don’t have that same passionate feeling of belonging, whereas audiences here will shout at me or stop me in the bar – nine times out of 10 because they enjoyed something, but also to tell me if they think something’s crap or to ask ‘what’s this performance art nonsense?'”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.16.14

Farewell to Clive James
AJBlog: CultureCrash  Published 2014-11-16 


The Leader and The Manager: A Leading Innovation in Arts & Culture Conversation
AJBlog: Field Notes  Published 2014-11-16 


Mass MoCA Closes In On Its Original Promise
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts  Published 2014-11-16 


Public art
AJBlog: Life’s A Pitch  Published 2014-11-16 


Gender and price discrimination
AJBlog: For What it’s Worth  Published 2014-11-16 


Is Free Will For Real?
AJBlog: CultureCrash  Published 2014-11-14 



Elite Colleges In An Arts Arms Race

“Elite campuses across the country have emerged from the recession riding a multibillion-dollar wave of architecturally ambitious arts facilities, even as community arts programs struggle against public indifference. … But the seeming boom also comes at a time of unprecedented criticism of how colleges teach and how they spend money, and amid a push to measure what students learn.”

Stanford Univ. Is Building An Entire New Arts District

“Construction of a $235 million arts district near Palm Drive, the grand tree-lined campus entrance, is well underway here. Last year, the $112 million Bing Concert Hall opened. This year came the $36 million Anderson Collection, a new American-art museum … Next up is the $87 million McMurtry Building for the art and art history department, to open in 2015.”