Documenta Promises This Year’s Massive Deficit Won’t Derail The Next Festival

“The dates have been set for the next Documenta, the pace-setting quinquennial German contemporary art exhibition, allaying fears that the future of the show was in doubt after this year’s edition ran over budget and caused a deficit expected to be €5.4m at the end of the year. The city of Kassel is able to shoulder the extra costs incurred by the 2017 extravaganza, the mayor says.”

Language As A Conveyor Of Culture And History

“With the historic complacency of having the leading world language for a mother tongue, we lag behind many other countries in translating. But numbers are not the only indicator. The ways English expression is changing reflect the flourishing throng of writers using it who are in one way or another not from England. This isn’t the start of something, but a development: there has been a marvellous chorale of voices from five continents for decades. New Englishes are instruments to make a new music.”