Hilton Head’s Arts Center Sinks Ever Deeper In Red Ink

“Despite cutting staff and other expenses over the past three years, the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina has continued operating in the red … The losses occurred at the same time a more daunting problem – paying off long-term debt and funding repairs and improvements … – turned into what center president and CEO Kathleen Bateson has called a ‘$5 million nut to crack’.”

Yes, Beethoven’s Fifth Is A Warhorse. Now Stop Your Whining And Love It.

“The landscape is saturated with information, the age of mechanical reproduction that Walter Benjamin so famously worried over is now inherent. One could think of warhorses as the monopolizing surplus of that reproduction, reprints squeezing out the space for new releases. But one could also think of them as watchclock checkpoints — fixed stations in the cultural warehouse, keys that we need to periodically turn in order to keep our bearings among an ever-expanding floor plan.”