How Data Is Revolutionizing Design

“More than ever, highly technical design is becoming more data-driven, faster, and smarter. As I learned at the Dassault Systèmes’ 3D Experience Forum in Las Vegas this week, engineers are increasingly using virtual test benches, new data sources, advanced computer simulations, and extremely sophisticated 3D modeling software to build much better mousetraps.”

Longtime LA Times Critic Charles Champlin, 88

“During his 26 years at The Times, Champlin served as the paper’s principal film critic from 1967 through 1980. He then shifted to book reviewing and, with his “Critic at Large” column, offered a more general overview of the arts. He retired in 1991 but continued to contribute to The Times’ daily and Sunday Calendar sections and wrote two books despite becoming legally blind from age-related macular degeneration in 1999.”

The Problem With How Arts Organizations Collect Data

“In many cases, arts organizations’ collection of data has been driven by the need to comply with funders’ reporting requirements rather than by a desire to collect information that could improve their future decision making. While the databases that have been generated through this process provide rich sources of information, it is not always clear what that information is good for, or how individual organizations can benefit from it.”

The Art World Has Gotten Entirely Too Uptight, Says Jerry Saltz

“Flexibility is life, but lately I keep thinking that the art world has gotten a lot less flexible, and the freedom that I’ve always thought of as completely foundational – freedom to let our freak flags fly and express ourselves, even bizarrely – has constricted considerably. … Or maybe it’s me. Because, to be fair, a lot of this tempestuousness has been happening around moi.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.17.14

The Henry Mollicone underground operas
AJBlog: Condemned to Music Published 2014-11-17

Breaking News: Don Bacigalupi Leaving Crystal Bridges
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2014-11-17

Scarlett fever
AJBlog: Performance Monkey Published 2014-11-17

Creating Worlds, Including Liturgical Ones
AJBlog: PostClassic Published 2014-11-17

To Each Her Own With Others
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2014-11-17

Two Big Moves: Bacigalupi to Lucas Museum; Ravenal to deCordova Museum
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2014-11-17
