NYC Losing Millions During Strike

“The New York city comptroller, William Thompson Jr., estimated that the city was losing about $2 million per day because of the [stagehands’] strike… But the League of American Theaters and Producers, which includes production costs and theater maintenance in its figure, says it believes a more accurate estimate is about $17 million per day.”

COC Has Great First Year In New Home

The Canadian Opera Company has had a great year, and now it has the numbers to prove it. “The company’s most ambitious year ever ended with a 32-per-cent increase in its endowment fund and a small operating surplus of $49,000… Ticket sales, donations and corporate sponsorships were all sharply higher than during the previous year and all shows were virtually sold out.”

Could CBC, CTV Benefit From US Strike?

One of the major challenges of running a Canadian TV network is getting your potential viewers, the vast majority of whom live within a short drive of the US border, to even watch your channel when they get all the big-budget US networks for free. But the writers’ strike is offering northern networks a rare opportunity to recapture lost viewership.

Piracy Takes To The Stream

Continuing efforts to halt video piracy are finding themselves stymied by the advance of new technology. As the industry continues to crack down on file sharing, streaming video has stepped in as the new go-to technology of pirates and those who prefer not to pay for their movies.