“A person (even a New Yorker) could be both dissatisfied and happy at once, and … the act of complaining was not in fact evidence of unhappiness, but something that could in its own way lead to greater happiness.”
Tag: 11.22.14
Will The Literary Town Of Sag Harbor Lose All Of Its Bookstores?
“‘People say to me that they couldn’t move to a place without a great bookstore,’ Ms. Szoka said. ‘The community would be diminished if there wasn’t a place like this.'”
The Solo Art Show That Involved The London Police, Disappearing Art, And (Maybe) A Body In A Bathtub
“The missing [Francis Bacon] painting, not recorded in the catalogue, is the key, Muir believes. ‘It was a study of two men wrestling in the grass. Wrestling was popular among the gay community in London, where homosexuality was still illegal, of course.'”
Behind The Scenes At The Drone Orchestra
“The autonomous system that was supposed to operate the drones conked out and human pilots needed to step in. Humans were also responsible for constantly swapping out the battery packs from the drones, which drained in about 5-to-10 minutes because of the weight they were carrying.”
Writing – And Reading – A Novel Is Like Crossing The Berlin Wall
Haruki Murakami: “In the face of the dark, violent and cynical reality in which we live, this might seem at times like a powerless and fleeting hope. But the power that each individual has to imagine is found precisely in this: in the quiet yet sustained effort to keep on singing, to keep on telling stories, without losing heart.”
Does The Incredible Shrinking Orchestra Put A Tradition At Risk?
“Musicians warn that an overreliance on freelancers endangers the things that make orchestras great: the cohesion that comes from playing together over many years, the performing traditions that are developed and passed down, even the ability to divine in a flash what a familiar conductor is seeking with a cocked eyebrow or a flick of the wrist.”