Paris’s Hit Staging Of ‘Singin’ In The Rain’ Coming To Broadway

“The [Théâtre du] Châtelet production …, based on the 1952 movie, is directed by Robert Carsen, designed by Anthony Powell and choreographed by Stephen Mear. It faithfully reproduces the dialogue and action of the film, with its songs by Nacio Herb Brown and Arthur Freed, and its famous splash-in-the-puddles, rain-drenched dance solo for Gene Kelly.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.23.15

A Recipe For Trouble At New York City Museum
When more than a half dozen people shake their heads in disbelief at a museum announcement, and make a point of asking me what I think, I’d say it was time to weigh in publicly. … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2015-11-23

Sugarcoating Gonzales-Torres’ Candy: Crystal Bridges Updates from NW Arkansas Business Journal And Me
What has Alice Walton’s generously endowed startup, which just celebrated its fourth anniversary, been up to lately? … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-11-23

Monday Recommendation: Terell Stafford
From his emergence in the early 1990s, Terell Stafford’s conception has drawn on the modern jazz trumpet tradition at large. He has evidently not felt the need to pattern himself on individual predecessors. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-11-23

Sushi for one
I have two good friends who are singletons and claim to actively prefer living alone. It’s hard for me to believe that this avowed preference is anything more than a sign that they’ve yet to meet Mister or Miss Right – which I’m well aware is nothing more than a complete failure of imagination on my part. … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2015-11-23

A Unique Friend
Any regular Seattle Opera attendee might remember hearing several slightly tenorial shouts of Bravo! after an aria or at the end of a performance, a sound that carried over even the most tumultuous applause. … read more
AJBlog: OperaSleuth Published 2015-11-23



3-D Printers Are Going To Revolutionize Pretty Much Everything

“If we’re going to use physical ‘documents’ the way we use paper ones—glancing at them for an hour, or perhaps only a moment, then tossing them aside—we’ll need printing material to be recyclable, even biodegradable. Imagine the 3-D printing equivalent of a Post-it note! What’s more, we need our intellectual culture to evolve. Right now, we don’t value or teach spatial reasoning enough; “literacy” generally only means writing and reading.”

Why Do We Try To Reassure Kids That Life Will Be Safe When It’s Clearly So Unsafe And Tragic?

“As a parent I understand that desire to try to keep our offspring in a safe space, but it’s illusory. Life is not safe. The world is full of cruelty, both random and intentional. The world is also full of beauty and I’ve found the trick is to try to concentrate on finding the joy among the rubble, rather than sticking our fingers in our ears, singing lalala and claiming that life is undilutedly sweet.”

The Arts In Britain: Survey Says They’re Still Male, Still White, Still Middle-Class

“The survey reinforced the recent findings of the Warwick Commission, which found that arts and culture was being ‘systematically removed’ from the state education system, and that arts audiences were predominantly white and middle class. Both factors were contributing to the creative sector becoming a closed shop, particularly to those from black, asian and ethnic minorities (BAME) and less affluent backgrounds.”