The New Mr. Rogers Movie Isn’t Really About Mr. Rogers

Instead, it’s about the dark abyss of the adult soul. “Adulthood, for most of us, is about acquiring the skills to feel no feelings at all. Feelings are distracting, inefficient, unoptimizable, unprofessional — childlike. They interfere with our capacity to work. In fact, some of us use work, especially if we’re ‘good’ at it, to avoid our feelings.” But of course, Mr. Rogers can short-circuit all of that. – BuzzFeed

The Detailed Sociological Layers Of Musicians In Marching Band

Here’s the deal: “Each section has a reputation based loosely on the personality types drawn to certain instruments and the parts they play on the field. Trumpets generally own the melody, so the section attracts people who want to be the center of attention, at least musically. The perfectionist woodwinds — piccolos, flutes, clarinets and saxophones — are invariably drowned out by the brass section, meaning their dedication to musicianship doesn’t rely on recognition.” And there’s so much more. – The New York Times