Wanted: A Theatre Of Change (Or Issues? Anybody?)

“The background issues underlying the Broadway shutdown are rife across America. No, most of us aren’t busy negotiating the Byzantine hiring regulations for loading in the set of a new musical. But all of us can relate to the fierce struggle wrought by an economy that has transformed housing and healthcare (forget dentistry altogether) into luxuries, given us job security on a wing and a prayer and forced upon businesses a risk-reward ratio that most professional gamblers would smirkingly walk away from.”

Record Auction Of Chinese Art

Chritsie’s “took in HK$842 million ($108.3 million) on the first day of a five-day sale marathon, compared with a top estimate of HK$195.8 million, according to a draft release. A set of 14 abstract images by Cai Guo-qiang sold for HK$74.2 million, making him the auction world’s most expensive Chinese contemporary artist.”

Zimbabwe Theatre Pushes Back

“A rich culture of protest theater has sprung up in Zimbabwe, but artists are under increasing pressure from President Robert Mugabe’s security forces as he crushes dissent. In recent years, most independent newspapers have been shut down, opposition parties have been infiltrated by CIO spies, and activists have been arrested, beaten and sometimes killed.”

The Modern Stonehenge?

“Since James Turrell bought the 400,000-year-old, two-mile-wide crater in 1979 and began moving tons of earth to carve out different kinds of viewing chambers and tunnels — making his art of light, sky and astronomical events instead of, say, paint and canvas — anticipation has been building.”