Who Really Wrote “Little House On The Prairie”?

“The story of how this beloved series came to be has drawn great interest in recent years, as critics have debated Rose Wilde Lane’s role: How much of the “Little House” books did she revise or even write herself? Lane always insisted that she merely edited them; she didn’t believe there was much prestige in “juveniles.” At the same time, her diaries and letters reveal an intense and entwined relationship, and writing mentorship, between daughter and mother.”

To Avoid High Ticket Taxes, This Theater Group Started Selling Porn Mags With Free Tickets Inside

When the Spanish government raised the sales tax on movie and performance tickets from 8% to 21%, the Madrid theatre company Primas de Riesgo (“risk premium”, as in the extra interest charged for junk bonds) thought it would have to swallow the expense – until it realized that magazines, including porn, have a sales tax of 4%.