Abraham Lincoln’s Sense Of Humor

“We don’t make the distinction between ‘wit’ and ‘humor’ anymore, but in the nineteenth century people did. Wit was sarcastic and antipathetic while humor was congenial and empathetic. It’s the difference we note now when we distinguish between ‘laughing with’ and ‘laughing at.’ Lincoln was much more about ‘laughing with’ than ‘laughing at.’ And when ‘laughing at,’ it was often himself he was mocking.”

Egyptian Court Sentences Backers Of Anti-Muhammad Film To Death

“A U.S.-based Egyptian-American said to be behind the anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims and six other Egyptian Christians were sentenced to death in absentia by a court in Cairo Wednesday. The film, which insulted the prophet Muhammad, sparked violent protests and attacks on U.S. embassies across the Middle East when it was released in September.”

At UK’s Regional Arts Orgs, The Boss Must Lead The Fundraising: Gov’t Report

“A government report examining how to increase philanthropy in regional cultural organisations recommends that arts chief executives should lead the fundraising effort rather than delegating this task to other employees. … Philanthropy Beyond London says that executives, as well as artistic directors, should become fundraising ambassadors for their organisations.” (Just like in the US.)