The Everlasting Temporary (It’s The Fate Of Theatre People)

“Theatre artists understand the transient nature of life. Like little gods, we create serial worlds with dazzling architecture and lush music. We set fresh beings in motion, clothed as we see fit as they strive to fulfill their hopes and destiny in the brief time allotted to them. Then we destroy that world – literally smashing it into pieces, quickly if the reviews aren’t good. Many theatre artists repeat this process hundreds of times in their own lives. I wonder how this process affects our worldview. Why does it make us cling to things less than those who pursue more conventional careers? Why do we become inured to temporariness, missing out on long-term commitments?”

Advice For The Winner Of This Year’s ‘Bad Sex’ Award, From One Who Knows

“First, be sure to send an immediate message to the head of your workplace, if you have one, to initiate damage control. Because the coverage will soon be explosive: Photos of your face will appear on websites from Vietnam to the Czech Republic. I hope you didn’t opt for that fashionably roguish author photo, because the ‘bad sex’ headline will make it seem like the mug shot of an international sex criminal.”

The Gentrification Of D.C. Is Killing A Longtime Go-Go Tradition

“For almost 40 years, go-go has musically defined the nation’s capital. The beat has provided a proud cultural and musical tradition attracting generations of fans. But in recent years, gentrification has threatened the musical genre’s hold over the city. ‘The state of D.C. is not D.C. anymore, it’s not Chocolate City,’ says Anwan ‘Big G’ Glover of Backyard Band.”