Sir Timothy’s National

Sir Timothy Clifford is leaving the National Gallery of Scotland a changed place. “Though his flaws are as flamboyant as his talents, he is the most naturally gifted museum man of his generation. He has stamped his own taste and personality on the National Gallery of Scotland so strongly that it is easy to forget what it was like before his arrival.”

In Chicago: Rockettes And A Computer

In New York, the idea of the Rockettes dancing to fake music hurts your teeth. But in Chicago? “Here in the Midwest, the leggy chorus line always has danced to a computer. The music was fake when this show first came to the Rosemont Theatre. Now it’s back after a couple of years. And whadaya know, the music is fake again. The lack of live musicians in a colossal attraction that surely could afford them is an irritation because there’s otherwise a lot to recommend this show as a holiday amusement.”

Tivo Unveils New Customized Commercials Service

“This new feature will work in much the same way TiVo subscribers create ‘WishLists’ to find programs. But instead of Jimmy Stewart movies or TV shows about baseball, TiVo users would register a profile with the company based on their interests. Then, in a section of the TiVo menu system, they will find ads — short- and longform — based on their interests. Someone in the market for a new car would find ads for cars that someone who isn’t would never see, for instance. ‘What we’ve learned is, TiVo customers want to know about new products and services but on their own time’.”

Sundance Chooses 64 Films

“Sundance, the top U.S. independent film gathering held each January in Utah, placed 16 American dramas and 16 documentaries into a competition that spotlights directors, writers and actors working outside Hollywood. It also made 16 feature films and documentaries eligible for awards in special foreign film categories.”

Doran Out At ENO After Clashes

Sean Doran’s abrupt departure from the English National Opera, follows a tumultuous tenure. “His resignation, which is to take effect immediately, followed rumours of clashes with the ENO’s vice-chairman Vernon Ellis. According to a source at the ENO, following a board meeting three weeks ago Ellis, chairman of consultancy group Accenture, has been taking a “close interest” in the management of the company and has been at the Coliseum most days.”

Air Guitar That Sounds Good Too

“The Virtual Air Guitar project, developed at the Helsinki University of Technology, adds genuine electric guitar sounds to the passionately played air guitar. Using a computer to monitor the hand movements of a “player”, the system adds riffs and licks to match frantic mid-air finger work. By responding instantly to a wide variety of gestures it promises to turn even the least musically gifted air guitarist to a virtual fret board virtuoso.”

Kansas City Arts Scene Prices Out Artists

“It’s a process familiar to anyone who has watched the evolution of SoHo in New York or most other downtown revitalizations. However positive the impact on the Kansas City art scene – attracting new galleries and people like the Tylers away from the East Coast – urban renewal has also threatened to squeeze out the artists who pioneered its progress.”