Early Music Superstar Jordi Savall, Afraid For His Safety, Cancels Concert In Calais’s Migrant Camp

The viola da gamba virtuoso and director of supergroup Hesperion XXI – and UNESCO Artist for Peace – was praised last week when he announced that, in honor of International Migrants Day, they would perform in the “jungle,” the makeshift settlement of refugees looking for some way across the Channel to Britain, where they hope to settle. Then Savall called off the concert, claiming that he hadn’t received sufficient assurances of security for himself and his musicians.” (in French; Google Translate version here)

Is It Still Possible To Be A Public Intellectual In 2015?

Alice Gregory: “It’s not self-evident that one’s stances on, say, abortion and what counts as a good movie should align, but they do, remarkably, again and again. To believe in enough of these correlations, and to convince others that you are right, is the role of the public intellectual.”
Pankaj Mishra: “The public intellectual, incarnated as access journalist, policy wonk and, after 9/11, laptop warrior for liberalism and democracy, … has ended up whispering advice and encouragement to power.”

The University Of Arizona Still Wants Its De Kooning Back

“The museum had just opened when a man and a woman walked in. They were the sole visitors. The woman, described as being in her mid-50s with shoulder-length reddish and blond hair, distracted the a security guard by making small-talk while the man, who appeared to be in his 20s and wore a mustache and glasses, cut the painting from the large frame, leaving the edges of the canvas attached.”

Seriously, How To Get Gender Parity In Theatre?

“This is the way that recognition of the issue—which is usually step one—has been sidelined by those who want to feel that they’ve addressed the problem but don’t actually want to address it. They say it’s already been addressed, solved, and resolved. They say that now it’s a merit-based system, and anyone who isn’t entering and moving up the pipeline doesn’t have merit. They say that women have other priorities, choosing families and personal lives over their work. They say that to give voice to artists who don’t meet their standards would be minimizing the quality of the work they offer the world.”

How To Fix Risk-Averse Arts Institutions

From a Portland playwright and grantwriter: “Consider just doing a show when you’re ready and not forcing yourself to program a whole season. Consider strategic partnerships. Consider not becoming a nonprofit and being an LLC instead. Consider the difference between what you want and what you need. (Do you WANT your own building, or do you NEED your own building?) Consider what you’re spending money on. Invest in people first, stuff second.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs For 11.29.15

Got Miami Week Blues? A New Twist

It’s Art Basel Miami Beach time, and some 250 galleries will be showcasing their art and artists at the convention center there beginning mid-week. Then there are all the satellite fairs, the gallery and museum… … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear ArtsPublished 2015-11-29
Dance celebrates the music of Thomas Adès at New York City Center. Anna Nowak lifted by James Pett in Wayne McGregor’s Outlier. Photo: Kevin Yatarola “His music moves from here to there in a way… … read more
AJBlog: DancebeatPublished 2015-11-29
This is what we know

What will your death be like? Probably not like this. Blank,seen in the Bush Theatre’s recent RADAR Festival, is a semi-improvised piece by Nassim Soleimanpour. A one-time-only performer receives a script full of… … read more
AJBlog: Performance MonkeyPublished 2015-11-29
Compatible Quotes: Billy Strayhorn

That’s all I did – that’s all I ever did – try to do what Billy Strayhorn did.—Gil Evans Billy Strayhorn was my right arm, my left arm, all the eyes in the back of… … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2015-11-27
Jenny Diski Speaks of Death and Dying

Jenny Diski learned some months ago that she had inoperable lung cancer and, at best, another three years to live. She now writes about the experience and her treatment. Something she said about writers and… … read more
AJBlog: Straight|UpPublished 2015-11-27