Musicals Need Less Big Spectacle, More Small-Scale Daring

“It’s not the public’s fault that we haven’t had a musical as shockingly pertinent as, say, West Side Story for so long. … But orchestras, chorus lines and dancers are now almost solely the domain of the Webber-style spectacle; put simply, nobody else can afford them. New productions by smaller theatres must depend instead on actor-musicians and a fair amount of inventiveness.”

‘German Impressionist Painting’ Is Not a Contradiction in Terms

“Is there such a thing as German Impressionism? Didn’t everything begin in Paris with Manet, Monet, Degas, Cézanne and their colleagues? As the provocatively named ‘German Impressionist Landscape Painting: Liebermann – Corinth – Slevogt,’ at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, makes clear, the answer to both questions is an unequivocal ‘yes’.”

Bad Sex in Fiction Award: Rowan Somerville Beats Jonathan Franzen

The insect imagery in Somerville’s The Shape of Her was enough to defeat Franzen’s Freedom and a novel by former Tony Blair adviser Alastair Campbell. (The latter was disqualified for wanting to win.) Accepting the prize, Somerville said, “There is nothing more English than bad sex, so on behalf of the entire nation I would like to thank you.”