Suddenly, Philanthropists Are Getting Grief For Giving Mega-Donations

“In recent months, a hedge fund billionaire was denounced for his $400 million gift to the already wealthy Harvard University, David Geffen took flak for gifts that plaster his name on a Manhattan concert hall and a Los Angeles school, and the wife of a Wall Street banker was roasted for trying to put her name on a small Adirondacks college. Even Bill Gates, who has given billions to battle diseases, is taking lumps.”

Radu Lupu At 70 – ‘Fresh, Newly Original, Daring, But Never Eccentric’

Kirill Gerstein: “Lupu’s playing, especially when experienced live, resists my professional habit of analyzing the elements of interpretation and performance – exactly how he achieves the results that he does. … The instrument, the craftsmanship, even the compositions themselves recede into the background, and there remains a lone figure communicating not just music, but something deeply humane. “

#SueMeSaudi: The Twitterverse Trolls Saudi Arabia Hard For Sentencing Artist To Beheading

When the fate of Ashraf Fayadh came to the world’s attention, angry tweeters made the obvious comparison and created the hashtag #SaudiArabiaIsISIS. Then a totally offended official from the Saudi Ministry of Justice announced that it would sue anyone who dared equate the Kingdom with the extremist rebels in Iraq and Syria. What did he think would happen?