BBC Tried To Break Up Morecambe And Wise, Archives Reveal

“As Morecambe and Wise, they were the nation’s best-loved comedy act, their Christmas extravaganzas regularly pulling in audiences of more than 20 million. But BBC chiefs initially believed Eric Morecambe would have a much better chance of TV stardom if he dumped Ernie Wise and went solo. The damning appraisal [was] delivered just two years before the duo … found fame on commercial television.”

In Quake-Ravaged Italian Town, Magical Thinking And Little Progress

“That earthquake, in April 2009, killed hundreds and left tens of thousands of L’Aquilans homeless, shuttering the city’s graceful and extensive historic center … Since then Italian officials have kept promising to restore the city to its former self, but fewer than a dozen buildings have so far been repaired … These days, tourists arrive to gawk at the rubble. Ruin porn has become the new local industry.”

The Tories Want To Destroy The Arts – For Everyone Else

“There can be no doubt that, as Maria Miller insists, many Conservative ministers do cherish the arts in their own lives. They are not materialistic brutes so much as selective philistines, content for Newcastle, having pitted art against survival, to embark on its own version of the Dark Ages, while Downing Street’s connoisseurs blag £888 Wagner tickets.”