Ballet Boyz Catch Flak For Tweeting Nude Publicity Photo

“On or about November 21st the Ballet Boyz official Twitter account posted an image of the company’s dancers. Taken in what appears to be a dressing room, all but two of the dancers are completely naked.” (Their privates were not visible.) “A caption attached to the message read ‘Wouldn’t you just like to be a fly on the wall …?'” (Let the pearl-clutching begin.)

Neuro-Aesthetics? Feh! What Neuroscience Can And Can’t Teach Us

“[The] growing chorus of neuro-critics are half right: our early-twenty-first-century world truly is filled with brain porn, with sloppy reductionist thinking and an unseemly lust for neuroscientific explanations. … [What] we need now is ‘the meticulous dissection of some elementary brain functions, not ambitious but vague notions like brain-based aesthetics, when we still don’t understand how the brain recognizes something as basic as a straight line’.”