A First: Institute For Women Conductors

“If you get on the podium in a master class with all males, before you even lay the baton down for the first beat, they’ve already pigeon- holed you as the female conductor. Whereas when we sit down here it becomes more about the music and about the score. At least that’s how I hope it’s seen.”

The 2015 Bad Sex In Fiction Award Goes To An Actual Rock Star

“At this, Eliza and Ezra rolled together into the one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy …” (We’ll spare you the rest.)

Top Posts From AJBlogs 12.02.15

Nicole Johänntgen
The Rifftides staff does not plan to observe the season by loading the blog with jazz versions of Christmas songs. There may be exceptions. The first exception is a video brought to our attention  … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-12-02

Say Hello to A Better Goodbye
An interviewer recently asked me about influences. I told her about a number of journalists in Chicago back in the day. Among them was John Schulian, a sportswriter whose 1,000-word columns four times a week … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2015-12-02

Snapshot: a 1961 TV interview with Otto Klemperer
Otto Klemperer is interviewed by John Freeman on Face to Face, originally telecast on the BBC in 1961. … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2015-12-02
