We’ll Never Find A Unified Theory Of Life, The Universe, And Everything

The idea “that behind nature’s manifest diversity there is a simple, unified explanation” goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks (if not farther) and right up to today’s physics labs and philosophy workshops. Theoretical physicist Marcelo Gleiser argues that we probably just have to live with the mystery. (“42” simply isn’t enough.)

The Beloved Mexican Comedian Who Inspired Millions Of Kids – And The Simpsons’ Bumblebee Man

“News of the death of Gómez — more commonly known by his nickname, ‘Chespirito’ — generated an outpouring of mourning. Murals began materializing in Latin American cities. A South American news anchor teared up as she delivered the news. The Peruvian congress observed a moment of silence. And the Mexican president tweeted condolences — as did such entertainers as the rock band Molotov and pop singer Paulina Rubio.”

Japan’s Vagina Kayak Artist Arrested For Obscenity Again

“Megumi Igarashi, who calls herself Rokude Nashiko – offensive slang which loosely translates as ‘reprobate child’ – was arrested in July for trying to raise funds online to pay for the construction of a kayak, using a 3D printer, inspired by her genitals. She was released days later following a legal appeal and after thousands of people signed a petition demanding her freedom.” Now the process seems to be repeating itself.