Isabella Stewart Gardner Collected Men And Scandals Like She Collected Art

“Henry James, a member of her coterie, once remarked that Isabella ‘is not a woman, she is a locomotive – with a Pullman car attached.’ … She obsessively saved newspaper clippings of her exploits and once remarked, in response to gossip about her, ‘Don’t spoil a good story by telling the truth.'” (Is that why she burned all her letters?)

The Disaster Of Journalism In The Era Of Social Media

“By giving subjects—powerful or weak—the ability to bypass organizations they used to have to work with, platforms alter the terms considerably. That’s why so many disparate media parties are descending into panic at the same time. That’s why their subjects are asserting themselves. That’s why so many professional communicators are, when it comes to their own jobs, at a loss for words.”

Dear Adults: Please Shut Up About Coloring Books And Just Read

“Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos put it more clearly than most last year when he noted that books are no longer competing only against other books: ‘You’re competing against Candy Crush and everything else.’ The real battle isn’t between screen and paper editions, or even between Amazon and Hachette: it’s between one person trying to conjure a world in words, and another inviting me to match coloured shapes in lines until my eyes glaze into darkness.”