What If Everything About How We’re Trying To Understand Prejudice Is Wrong?

Well, at least everything about the “implicit” or “unconscious” bias tests that people are taking online, not to mention the “overcoming implicit bias” trainings that almost everyone in the corporate world has to take. “The forgiving notion of unconscious prejudice has become the go-to explanation for all manner of discrimination, but the shaky science behind the IAT suggests this theory isn’t simply easy, but false. And if implicit bias is a weak scapegoat, we must confront the troubling reality that society is still, disturbingly, all too consciously racist and sexist.”

Why James Levine Is Doomed, Whatever The Facts Behind The Sex-Abuse Allegations Are

With rumors having circulated for so many years, “it will come to the surprise of no one if tiny skeletons come tumbling out of James Levine’s closet like candy from a piñata. At the same time, if any and all of those accusations were to be untrue, no one would stop for a second to consider that an allegation is hardly proof. … And since you can’t prove a negative (or innocence, really), James Levine is now absolutely damned, because it’s just too convenient and all-too-plausible to believe what is being reported.”

Has Hollywood’s Attack Dog Lawyer Reached His “Sell By” Date?

His “cease and desist” and proceed “at your peril” letters to media outlets and accusers on behalf of clients are legendary. Recently, as The Times prepared stories in which more than 10 women accused Ratner of sexual misconduct, the lawyer sent the paper multiple letters filled with florid language and threats of litigation. The missives, which would not have seemed out of place in the Hollywood novels of Michael Tolkin and Elmore Leonard, were the pummeling prose of a legal pugilist looking for an early knock-out.

Justin Davidson: I’m Not Sure The Met Can Survive Levine’s Disgrace

“The company is an outgrowth from, and a uniquely regressive example of, the 19th-century commercial opera houses that flourished through specialization, activity, and growth. August companies erected massive buildings, mounted expensive shows, packed in audiences, and concentrated prestige in the hands of very few gatekeepers, all of them men. That power structure produced a century and a half of lavishly misogynistic operas in which women are constantly going mad, turning into prostitutes, dying, or all three.”

The Met Suspends James Levine After New Sexual Abuse Revelations

Three men have now accused the conductor of abusing them when they were teenagers. “I don’t know why it was so traumatic,’ [Christopher] Brown, who is now 66, said in a recent interview at his home in St. Paul, Minn., fighting tears at the memory, which he said he was moved to share as part of the national reckoning over sexual misconduct. ‘I don’t know why I got so depressed. But it has to be because of what happened. And I care deeply for those who were also abused, all the people who were in that situation.'”