Why Johnny Can’t Read (Or Maybe Not)

“Since the National Endowment for the Arts released a report in November that linked a decline in reading for pleasure, especially among young people, to a decline in reading scores, there has been a lot of freaking out about why Johnny won’t read. Of course, we already know the answer: competition from other media, ranging from TV to Game Boy Advance, and the pace of modern life. But maybe it’s the wrong question.”

Why MP3s Can’t Replace Hi Fi Audio

“Compared with good CDs and LPs played on good hi-fi gear, MP3s flatten dynamic range (the difference between the loudest and softest sounds), obliterate dynamic contrasts (the slight variations between loud and soft), smother low frequencies (the bass), and smear transients (the front edge of, say, a drum smack or a string pluck). These shortcomings wreak havoc with drama and rhythm–the life and essence of much music.”