Everybody Wins In Seattle Opera Deal

Seattle Opera has contracted with the city to lease empty Mercer Arena, next door to McCaw Hall, where the opera performs. The Arena will be converted into offices and costume and scene shops, and will allow the company to consolidate its operations. The city will get out from under an expensive and unused venue, and even make some money on the deal.

Queensland Cuts Threaten Arts Groups

In Australia, “with the arts-as-business model replacing the arts-as-welfare model, community organisations [have] had to fight aggressively to maintain funding… [Now,] long-running community arts organisations are facing imminent closure after draconian cuts in funding by the Queensland Government announced last month.”

Mounties Make Major Piracy Bust

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have issued charges against a Montreal man who they claim plays a major role in the online distribution of pirated films. Geremi Adam was actually arrested 14 months ago, but the RCMP has spent the intervening time gathering additional evidence of his online transactions.