The Daily News As Fiction

“The suggestion that journalism has become more like fiction is a pretty ancient insult but, in the past, was used to accuse reporters of fabrication. Now, though, something deeper and weirder frequently occurs in which, even when facts are accurately reported, they seem, in the proper sense of the word, fabulous.”

The Christmas Bestseller Phenomenon

“The fact is that regardless of what the title actually is, the Christmas compendium of facts, useful or not, is the kind of book that you buy for someone because it’s trendy and because you don’t know or like them or feel obliged to buy them something – someone whose relationship to you ends with ‘in-law’, or that weird colleague you pull out of the Secret Santa draw.”

A Massive Tear-Down In New Orleans

“The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, last week approved $31 million worth of contracts to demolish 4,500 public housing units of such high quality that some are on the National Register of Historic Places. These aren’t forbidding tower fortresses but appealing, three-story garden apartments. Most were built in the 1930s and 1940s, when subsidized rental housing was deemed a worthy endeavor and sheltered working families.”