The Guerrilla Poets

“Drive-by poetry… entails loading the students into a van, cruising around a commercial area in Trenton, and pulling over near targeted pedestrians. One of the students sticks his or her head out the passenger window and serenades — or accosts — the startled pedestrian with some passionately recited lines by Walt Whitman or Pablo Neruda.”

Does Genius Stand Apart?

“In earlier ages, there were men who were recognised by their contemporaries as among the supreme imaginations of all time. Our age lacks living cultural heroes, and it should be no surprise if this leads some commentators to lay more weight on our inheritance from the past–that is, on the canon.”

Internet Radio That Beats All

“Radio is, of course, the great survivor medium, a century old and still occupying more hours in the average American’s week than network television–and just about every other type of entertainment, too. But given what’s out there for free, it’s hard to imagine why anyone would bother to pay for a satellite subscription.”