Museum Sues Wikimedia For Hosting Copyrighted Photos Of Its Public-Domain Artworks

“On October 28 the Reiss Engelhorn Museum (REM) in Mannheim, Germany, filed a lawsuit against the Wikimedia Foundation for making high-resolution images of public domain artworks from its collection available for download. … The institution is seeking the removal of 17 specific images of artworks that it commissioned from its in-house photographer, Jean Christen.”

North Korea Now Runs A Cheesy Museum At Cambodia’s Angkor Temples

“On Dec. 4, North Korea’s government officially debuted its Angkor Panorama Museum in Cambodia, one of Kim Jong Un’s few foreign allies. The display was created by members of a 4,000-person ‘work unit’ devoted to deifying the Kim dynasty through statues, panoramas and other propaganda pieces. … But this exhibit instead glorifies Cambodia’s ancient Khmer kingdom.”

On The ‘Baby Hitler’ Question: Are Historical ‘What-Ifs’ Really A Waste Of Time?

“In order to truly answer this apparently silly hypothetical, you have to define your own beliefs about the nature of progress, the inherent contingency of events, and the influence of individuals – even very charismatic ones – on the flow of historical change. These are big, important questions. If well-done counterfactuals can help us think them through, shouldn’t we allow what-ifs some space at the history table?”