Boston’s WBUR Places Popular Host On Leave Over Unspecified Allegations

Boston University and WBUR received reports of allegations against “On Point” host Tom Ashbrook late in the week. The station general manager said, “Tom will be on leave from his duties at WBUR while an outside organization hired by Boston University examines these allegations. We will decide a course of action after getting the results of this investigation.”

Will “Salvator Mundi” Mean Anything For The Market In Old Masters?

“Last year, European old masters generated $594 million of auction sales, just 6 percent of the global total, according to a report published by Art Basel and U.B.S. This modest percentage is surely set to rise after that Leonardo price. But will it have any effect on the wider market for historic pictures, particularly since the “Salvator Mundi” was not offered in a mainstream sale of old masters, but, incongruously, in an evening auction of contemporary art?”

To Prevent Abuse, Classical Music Needs A Code Of Conduct – And Here’s What Should Be In It

Mezzo-soprano Jennifer Johnston: “For example, no private meetings or rehearsals where a maestro is alone with a musician should be permitted; performance notes and discussions can and should always be given quietly in front of others. If it is suspected that a maestro has designs on an individual beyond the purely professional, a chaperone should be insisted on, especially during festivals and on tours.”

Geoffrey Rush Sues Sydney Newspaper Over Report Of ‘Inappropriate Behaviour’

“‘Today I filed defamation proceedings in the federal court of Australia against the Daily Telegraph,’ he said at a brief press conference in Melbourne. ‘This is to address the hyperbole, lies and the spurious claims about me in entertainment community. They have splashed spurious claims with bombastic titles on their front pages.'”