UK Government To Propose 5 Hours Arts Ed Weekly In Schools

“Ministers hope the radical move, to be launched in their Children’s Plan, will elevate the status of arts education and help to underline its importance in children’s development. The target aims to allow all children to watch and take part in professionally organised music, dance, theatre and visual arts. It is intended to reflect the growing importance of creative industries to the UK economy and will be backed by a gradual increase in funding.”

Africa’s Rising Tide?

“By many standards, Africa is doing better than it has in decades. The number of democratically elected governments has risen sharply in the past decade, and the number of violent conflicts has dropped. African economies, and African businesses, are starting to show impressive results, and not just by the diminished standards the rest of the world reserves for its poorest continent.”

Checkers In A Stalemate

A computer scientist “announced that after running a computer program almost nonstop for 18 years, he had calculated the result of every possible endgame that could be played, all 39 trillion of them. He also revealed a sober fact about the game: checkers is a draw. As with tic-tac-toe, if both players never make a mistake, every match will end in a deadlock.”