Getting Inside Frida’s Head

A new biography of the artist Frida Kahlo “carries with it a compelling gift: Shortly before her death, the artist consented to psychological testing,” and the results “provided a lengthier history than she had ever provided to anyone, about paintings that were lost, destroyed or paintings we know about but with specific information about dates, interpretations and so forth.”

London Gallery (Just) Beats The Financial Meltdown

The Whitechapel Gallery in London’s East End is entering the final phase of a two-year renovation and expansion. “‘Our timing could not have been better,’ Blazwick said with relief. In 2004, when the economy was still robust, she was able to secure about $5.4 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund for the expansion, seed money that encouraged others to give as well. She said the Whitechapel had raised all but about $735,000 of the nearly $20 million needed.”

Miami City Ballet Resorts To Taped Music

“Miami City Ballet will forgo live orchestra and perform to recorded music for the second half of its 2008-09 season to save money. Blaming the economy, ballet officials said Tuesday they cut the orchestra because of declining ticket sales and donor contributions. Live music for a full season would cost $480,000, but only $188,280 had been raised as of Thursday.”