Philosophers Out In The Real World

“Not only are philosophers unaccustomed to gathering data; many have also come to define themselves by their disinclination to do so.” Now “a restive contingent of our tribe is convinced that it can shed light on traditional philosophical problems by going out and gathering information about what people actually think and say about our thought experiments.”

Arab Initiative To Translate Western Classics

“According to a 2003 United Nations report into human development in the Arab world, more books are translated into Spanish each year – 10,000 – than have been translated into Arabic in the previous 10 centuries. Now this situation is being rectified by the sheikhdom of Abu Dhabi, one of the seven Muslim United Arab Emirates, which last month officially revealed its plans to translate 100 epochal foreign-language texts into Arabic by the end of next year.”

Broadway (Mostly) Shuns Product Placement

“Because of the limited exposure of theater and its short-lived nature compared to film and television — whose product stay alive on DVD — advertisers are not particularly interested in product integration. Nor are Broadway producers, who appear to be somewhat less willing to commercialize their productions than Hollywood filmmakers, studios and networks.”