Jesus Christ The Muslim

“Jesus, or Isa, as he is known in Arabic, is deemed by Islam to be a Muslim prophet rather than the Son of God, or God incarnate. He is referred to by name in as many as 25 different verses of the Quran and six times with the title of ‘Messiah’.” Crucially, Jesus is referred to “as the ‘Word’ and the ‘Spirit’ of God. No other prophet in the Quran, not even Muhammad, is given this particular honour.”

Even When Their Movies Get Nominated, Asian Actors Don’t

“This lack of recognition for ethnic actors is especially notable in light of Hollywood’s growing interest in non-Western narratives, as well as the kudos breakthrough that African-American thesps have experienced this decade. … But while Hollywood may have largely atoned for Mammy and Stepin Fetchit, the legacy of Long Duk Dong and Mr. Yunioshi has yet to be counterbalanced.”

Sylvie Guillem On Being ‘Mademoiselle Non’

“I’ve always said that my luck is that I never dreamt of being a ballerina, … [and] the only thing that drives me is the pleasure on stage, and what I could do there, what kind of experience I can have there and what I could feel. So if people were trying to make me do things that I wasn’t really happy to do, then there was no way I was going to do it. … I’m not going to waste my time.”

Why Daniel Day Lewis Always Stays In Character On Set

“If you go to inordinate length to explore and discover and bring a world to life, it makes better sense to stay in that world rather than jump in and out of it, which I find exhausting and difficult. That way there isn’t the sense of rupture every time the camera stops; every time you become aware of the cables and the anoraks and hear the sound of the walkie-talkies.”

Show Boat, The Dinghy

“In addition to replicating a riverboat, Show Boat usually requires a cast of about 50 and an orchestra of about 28. As a result only about a half-dozen theater companies tackled the show in 2008 in the United States.” In the frugal spirit of 2009, Northern Virginia’s Signature Theater has reconfigured the show for a cast of 24 and an orchestra of 15.