Oregon Ballet Theatre Loses Another Top Staffer

“The turmoil continues at Oregon Ballet Theatre. Joanne Van Ness Menashe OBT vice-president of development and marketing is leaving the company, hard on the heels of artistic director Christopher Stowell’s surprise resignation. … OBT now needs to fill its top artistic, development, marketing and finance posts.” (The executive director position was eliminated over the summer.)

Film Blanc: The Power Of Wintry Noir Thrillers

“Classic film noirs used their dark settings as direct reflections of their subject matter, as well as to create the sense of their heroes getting lost. They tapped into our natural fears of the dark in the same way that horror movies do … But just as instinctual is the drive to seek warmth and shelter from the cold. … [The] danger isn’t unknown or theoretical; it’s bright, enveloping, bone-chilling.”

Why Is British Theatre So Gender-Imbalanced? The Shakespeare Problem

“He was, of course, writing for all-male companies; and, though he wrote transcendent parts for women, there aren’t very many. … [Until] relatively recently, much of British theatre relied on the repertory system: a company of actors performing a handful of different plays in a season. Shakespeare would frequently sit at the heart of such a company; many new plays would therefore tend to be written for a similar gender balance.”