21st-Century Totalitarianism – The Coffee-Table Book

“It’s been two years since Saparmurat Niyazov – the deeply perverse dictator of Turkmenistan, died. At the time of his death, Turkmenbashi (‘father of the Turkmen’) as he preferred to be known, was on the brink of global superstardom… [photographer Nicolas Righetti’s book] Love Me Turkmenistan presents a glimpse of the [dictator’s] personality cult at its peak.”

The Top Ten Books To Impress Women

“A survey commissioned by the National Year of Reading has found the top 10 reads to impress a woman. Top of the list is Nelson Mandela’s autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. If you also drop in that you adore Shakespeare, poetry, and cookery books; are never off current affairs websites; and – sorry readers – that you take the Financial Times, then there may be queues.”