Landmark Thomas Hart Benton Mural Goes To Met Museum

America Today, now considered one of the most important and famous examples of American scene painting, is languishing in storage. That will change, however, because AXA Equitable, the insurance company that bought it nearly 30 years ago, has decided to donate it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art,” which will display it in the former Whitney Museum building beginning in 2015.

Oliver Sacks On The Neurology Of Seeing God

“Both [Out-of-Body Experiences and Near-Death Experiences] … cause hallucinations so vivid and compelling that those who experience them may deny the term hallucination, and insist on their reality. … But the fundamental reason that hallucinations – whatever their cause or modality – seem so real is that they deploy the very same systems in the brain that actual perceptions do.

The Sex Life Of Zeus: An Infographic

The king of the ancient Greek gods was, of course, notoriously randy, with a long and confusing roster of paramours and offspring – just the sort of thing to appeal to inventive and geeky data-visualization designers. The team responsible for this graphic managed to include Zeus’s ancestors and relatives as well, along with the sources in which each liaison is mentioned.

Benjamin Millepied’s Multimedia L.A. Dances Begin Popping Up On YouTube

“One goal of his L.A. Dance Project, formed earlier this year, is to present dance outside of the traditional confines of theater walls” – a goal he began realizing this summer in a pair of site-specific duets with artist Mark Bradford at MOCA. Now there’s “a video from the show on MOCAtv, the museum’s YouTube channel that launched in October.”

An Ideological Throwdown At This Year’s Oscars

Andrew O’Hehir: “With an impressive number of high-quality and high-visibility movies in the mix, movies that offer markedly different worldviews, interpretations of human experience and dramatized real-world events, the Academy Award struggle of 2013 ought to be a heated cultural imbroglio with all sorts of ideological overtones, one that lays bare some of the fault lines in American society.”