So how are kids supposed to be exposed to the arts when it costs so much? “Two adults taking two children to a big show won’t see much change from $250. To put that in perspective, most people earn less than $800 a week. After tax, groceries, mortgage and car costs, it’s hard to see where the ‘Annie’ tickets are going to come from.” – Sydney Morning Herald 12/13/00


For a decade Los Angeles has been talking about establishing a “cultural corridor” to link its major cultural institutions on Grand Avenue. Now it may finally have come up with an idea that works. “The plan – meant to integrate the center with the new Walt Disney Concert Hall and the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, both under construction along the avenue, and the Civic Center to the east – was presented to the board of directors Monday.” – Los Angeles Times 12/13/00


“Although to this day he modestly maintains he did not have the influence others attributed to him (he says that bad shows were the problem, not his reviews) the fact remains that the reputation of Frank Rich, the critic, will be as one of the most-feared and most powerful journalistic voices in the history of New York. Today’s reviewers don’t have even the shadow of the impact Frank Rich could command.” – The Idler