National Gallery Will Make Serious Expansion Efforts In 08

The ranking minority member on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure says the National Gallery of Art had told him it is committed to spending in excess of $100 million to renovate and move into the FTC’s Apex Building. As a result, the NGA could add much-needed space by expanding into a so-called North Wing at no cost to the federal government.

French Movie Business Suffering

“Some 160.7 million French filmgoers headed to movie theaters from January through November, a 4.7% drop from last year. Homemade fare received the hardest blow with French films representing just 36.7% of total admissions, down from 43.9% in 2006. Hollywood productions remained popular in the territory with a 50.1% market share compared to 44.9% last year.”

Just What Do You Want In A Literary Judge?

Another unconventional choice of jurors for the Orange Prize reopens the debate about the meaning of the wards.”Unlike reviewing, with its onus on individual responsibility, literary juries are fundamentally about discussion and collective decisions, about championing (and rubbishing) books, but also being open to others’ opinions. The balance is therefore key. The ultimate aim is to serve not just writers, but readers.”

Alicia Alonso: Dancing Makes Me Strong

The 87-year-old was once one of the world’s great dancers. She’s still working with the National Ballet of Cuba: “Dancing is my life, because it is the thing I learned best, that makes me think better. It is the thing I can give to others: my knowledge, my experience, my ideas for choreography. I think that’s what keeps me alive. I feel necessary in the dancing world.”