Troubled Honolulu Symphony To Give (Final?) ‘Thank-You’ Concert

Last month, facing a financial crisis, the HSO cancelled all remaining 2009 concerts and made no guarantees for the rest of the season. But on Dec. 27, conductor JoAnn Falletta and the orchestra’s musicians (all donating their services) will perform Beethoven’s 9th Symphony “as a thank-you to the community who has supported us for so many years.”

Embarrassing Dancing By Middle-Aged Men: It Has An Evolutionary Purpose

“The cringeworthy ‘dad dancing’ witnessed at wedding receptions every weekend may be an unconscious way in which ageing males repel the attention of young women, leaving the field clear for men at their sexual peak. ‘The message their dancing sends out is “stay away, I’m not fertile”,’ said [research psychologist] Dr Peter Dad.”

And Why Do People Dance Around At Parties Anyway?

That’s the great issue around which British psychologist Dr. Peter Lovatt (known around his university campus as “Dr. Dance”) is building his career: an “investigation into ‘dance confidence’ (DC) – the factor that makes the difference between you sitting glued to the bar seat and actually going for a boogie – and how it changes with age and gender.”