What The Ballet World Is Doing About Its Body Image And Eating Disorder Problems

“Over the years, around the world, there have been stories of ballet dancers having unhealthy diets, eating disorders and mental health issues. In more recent decades, the ballet world has recognised this – and a shift is well underway, in attitudes towards food, eating, diet and nutrition … So how far has the industry come – and what more could yet be done?” (audio) – BBC

How Will You Remember The 2010s? A Series Of Crises

“How will we remember the last 10 years? Above all, as a time of crises. During the 2010s, there have been crises of democracy and the economy; of the climate and poverty; of international relations and national identity; of privacy and technology. There were crises at the start of the decade, and there are crises now. Some of them are the same crises, unsolved. Others are like nothing we have experienced before. Some of them are welcome: old hierarchies collapsing. Others are catastrophes.” – The Guardian

The Time For Competitive Arts Prizes May Be Over

“All these prizes are, effectively, marketing exercises. That does not make them bad things … Today, though, artists and judges alike are more attuned to the difficulty in choosing ‘the best’ when all artists palpably do not have equal access to the starting lines; when ‘the best’ is a subjective and contingent category; when the authority of all kinds of institutions, and not just cultural prizes, is on the wane; and when artists competing like racehorses feels out of tune with the times in a way that it did not during the more individualistic Thatcher and Blair eras.” – The Guardian

Watchmen Has Ended, But What Comes Next?

Hello, capitalism? An audience is calling. Watchmen on HBO was, for black superhero fans, even stronger than the next-best thing, Black Panther. So what will comics properties do with this audience that’s demanding more? “Let me tell you, waiting every three years for a Black Panther movie is not going to be enough after being treated to nine consecutive weeks of this HBO series.” – Washington Post