What Flaubert Got Right About Shopping

“It is not simply that Emma Bovary wants things. Shopping is a key to her dreams, a way of widening the horizons of her provincial, bourgeois but boring, life… Shopping in modernity is not a simple matter of material greed. As Emma’s musings demonstrate, shopping links the localised world with the expanding horizons and dreams of the modern world.”

What’s Killing Newspapers Is The Same Thing That Killed The Slide Rule

“The only reason we’re so well-informed about journalists’ suffering is they have easy access to a megaphone. The underlying cause of their grief can be traced to the same force that has destroyed other professions and industries: digital technology… Wherever digital zeros and ones can dislodge analog processes, they either have or are. Call it a digital slay-ride.”

Brooklyn Museum Sends Its Costume Collection To The Met

“After three years of negotiations, the financially strained Brooklyn Museum has arranged to transfer its rich collection of American and European costumes and accessories to the Metropolitan Museum of Art so that it can be properly cared for and exhibited. Although widely considered one of the best in the world, the Brooklyn costume collection has been out of public view for more than a decade.”